THE WORKS.... Four Volumes |
ADDISON, Joseph. THE WORKS.... Four Volumes.
London: Jacob Tonson, 1721. Large 4to. Contemporary full-calf. Frontispiece, (ii), xiv, 559; (viii), 583; 624, 594, (17) pages, including 6 engraved plates incorporated into text.
Our set is the first collected edition by Tonson -- with subscriber's list at end of volume four including Governor Francis Nicholson, former governor of Virginia and, at this time, governor of South Carolina; and J. Fauquier, possibly the father of the later governor of Virginia, Francis Fauquier. In addition, to his poetry, the set includes The Spectator, The Tatler, Remarks on several parts of Italy, and his Dialogues upon the usefulness of Ancient Medals. Addison was popular in colonial Virginia. Copies are recorded in the libraries of Thomas Jefferson, William Byrd of Westover, John Mercer of Marlborough, and Robert Carter of Nomini Hall. Professionally rebacked, else a fine set.