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1950s Porfolio of Original Cosmetic Artwork




New York: circa 1950s. Portfolio with items tipped-on large thin cardstock sheets (approx. 14 x 18 inches) about 18 of them, plus other smaller pieces.

The collection comprises artwork, mockups, photos of completed works of perfume bottles and containers, gift novelties, cosmetic holders and patent by artist designer Clarita Y. Stubenbord for Elizabeth Arden, Dorothy Gray, Estee Lauder and more.  The group is evidently used to show this designer's accomplishments over the years of creative work, probably for presentation to prospective clients: Dorothy Gray "Date Bait" - '...a double-barreled promotion for early fall aimed at two important markets...the Back-to-School  Girl...the Career Girl' - (the top illustration with pleased-looking young lady having 'baited' admiringly grinning young men) two copies of the satchel-shaped cover, which presented seven pages of black and white illustrated promotional details on this D.G. group of products and how they could be sold and marketed - with also two of the smaller 'Date Bait' product carton attached to the backer and the 'daily desk memorandum' as well as a piece of triangle-cut gray felt with maroon felt ribbon attached; an interesting "Lucite Fan to hold 8 down puffs Idea, & design for Mauvel powder puff company" (made with thin lucite and elaborately decorated in black) and "acetate box with star and cherub design" (on acetate, black colored and with nicely-done cherubs in white) with the notation on an overlay that both designs were 'accepted'.  The items are clean, generally bright and colorful and an interesting archive of material from this woman fashion designer and inventor from the retro-1950's era.